To act in accordance with the articles of the Constitution, the Decision on the Introduction of Extraordinary Facts has come into action. Pre-school, school and higher education institutions will be completely suspended. Until further notice, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and universities in the Republic of Serbia will not operate. Enrollment of children functions normally, over the e-Government (e-Uprava), eVrtić (e-Kindergarden) is available for all the Serbian citizens, and eUpis (eEnrollment) for school enrollment will be active from April 1st. The school graduation test will be done through new technologies, while the distance learning using RTS3, the RTS Planeta platform, as well as an online learning platform.
See more at: https://www.srbija.gov.rs/vest/451356/mere-na-osnovu-odluke-o-uvodjenju-vanrednog-stanja.php?fbclid=IwAR0qqj4oQOYUnlGfqMKEb9a4VlZKEab-o69yhtSryfWiobGkNm3wYPoefS4