These days at the Serbia-Korea Information Access Center, which is a part of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, new lectures and training, in the field of fighting the corruption, are being held. The goal is to strengthen and promote anti-corruption capacities and mechanisms. The training “Data Processing and Analysis” is being realised as a part of the project financed by the EU, called “Prevention and fight against corruption”. This time, the issue has gathered representatives of public institutions working in the field of data collection, processing and analysis, with the purpose of preparing different reports and processing more comprehensive analysis. These representatives are mainly a part of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Audit Institution, the Customs Administration, the Tax Administration, the Fiscal Council, the Public Procurement Office, Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering… Last month at the SKIP Center 16 representatives of the Anti-Corruption Agency and the Anti-Corruption Council had successfully finished abovementioned courses. The lecturers Nemanja Nenadić, from NGO Transparentnost Srbija, and Aleksandar Ivić, IT expert for eGovernment, processes and open data, introduced the students to the skills of data collection and analysis in a realistic environment.