The Serbian-Korean Information Access Center within the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government marked two years of successful work and was declared, for the second time in a row, the best in the world among 54 such centers that operate as a project of the Government of the Republic of Korea. – SKIP center is a high-tech space intended for the development of IT skills, and in the past two years more than 27,000 citizens and public servants have been trained free of charge, as well as employees in Local Self-Government Units – said the head of e-Government department in the Ministry and head of SKIP center – Dara Gravara Stojanović. She states that the SKIP center has organized more than 1,000 different IT trainings, courses, conferences and seminars aimed at not only raising the level of digital literacy and improving the digital skills of our citizens, but also training state officials to work on the latest digital platforms, electronic registers, databases, the latest electronic services and information systems that modernize the work of our entire administration. We continue at this pace and plan to include the Roma population and to engage in women’s entrepreneurship. The goal is to empower the female population and show that information technologies are not exclusively related to programming but also various additional activities that can help women. In the premises of the Serbian-Korean Information Access Center, public officials have successfully mastered the information system for data exchange from official records of all public administration bodies “eZUP”, information system for improving inspection supervision “eInspektor”, and there were also important trainings for operating on the application used for the Single Electoral Roll,” eDnevnik”, digitization of cultural heritage of Serbia, information system for integrated emergency management … At the Serbian-Korean Information Access Center, citizens not only had the opportunity to gain basic digital literacy through various IT trainings, but also to master higher levels of knowledge in the field of information and communication technologies, primarily through the free of charge Summer School of Programming which is being organized by the Ministry with the support of the Government of the Republic of Korea every year, when young IT experts from prestigious universities in Seoul come as lecturers. The Government of the Republic of Korea donated 250,000 euros to equip the center, and the Ministry of Public Administration provided the space.