After a series of free Quality Assurance workshops, i.e. quality control of the software products training, all the interested ladies had the opportunity to overcome the techniques of Automated Testing in Serbian-Korean IT Center. The lecturers from the ITgirls introduced the fundamental terms in automated testing to the students, especially highlighting its significance in the everyday practice of controlling IT products and services. At this training, our students have mastered the creation of tests with the Selenium IDE tool, Selenium Java and Selenium Python tool. Continuation of the workshops is scheduled ten days from now, and in the cooperation of SKIP Center and ITgirls, additional activities and implementation of the several IT pieces of training are planned for the upcoming period. So far, many of the ITgirls workshops have been held at SKIP Center. Scratch programming, “Petlja” for the kids, manual QA – Quality Assurance testing and the newest workshops for the Automated Testing for the girls.