SKIP Center informs all its associates and clients that due to the current situation with the corona virus, we are not able to organize a very popular “Free Summer Programming School”. This project, which the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government implemented with great success in the previous two years with the Government of the Republic of Korea, was well received by both public sector officials and citizens in general. More than 500 participants perfected their knowledge in the IT sector or learned the basics of programming during interactive lectures by young professionals from the most prestigious South Korean faculties of modern technology. After the state of emergency was lifted, we received dozens of calls every day, and we also received a large number of e-mails in which those interested inquired about the dates of this year’s course. We kept in touch with our associates from the Republic of Korea, which was also under attack by Covid 19, and they were very willing to come to Serbia and give lectures if health circumstances allow it. Unfortunately, the latest events with the virus in our country have prevented us from holding a “Free Summer Programming School”. Following the epidemiological situation in the Republic of Serbia and working in accordance with the recommendations of the competent authorities, the SKIP Center will organize free training in the field of information and communication technologies when adequate conditions are met, about which we will inform you in time. Until then, be responsible, wear masks and behave as instructed by experts working to suppress the Corona virus.