As part of the visit to the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, the delegation of the National Information Society Agency of the Government of the Republic of Korea (NIA) on the second day of their official visit to Serbia met in the SKIP center in Belgrade with representatives of MPALSG. At the meeting, the Center’s past work, the performance of implemented IT programs and training were reviewed, and planned initiatives and future steps in this area were discussed. Representatives of NIA expressed great satisfaction with the progress and overall functioning of the center, and it was especially emphasized that the SKIP center was rightfully declared the best in the world.
We remind you that yesterday the second Serbian-Korean Information Access Center (SKIP) was officially opened in Niš, and the first such center, which works within the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, was opened in Belgrade at the end of 2017 and is less than six years of work, nearly 4,000 free trainings were conducted and nearly 80,000 citizens were trained. In 2021, the SKIP center in Belgrade received the Golden Plaque as the most successful center of this type in the world, out of a total of 55 that function thanks to the support of the Republic of Korea.