As part of the numerous activities that will be held as part of the celebration of the Week of Open Government Partnership, free training for citizens on using the eKonsultacije portal (https://ekonsultacije.gov.rs/). This platform enables citizens and representatives of the civil sector and economy to get involved in the process of passing laws and public policy documents.
As a reminder, the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, as the coordinator of national activities within the participation of the Republic of Serbia in the Open Government Partnership initiative, with the support of the European Union project “Visibility and Communication of Public Administration Reform”, is pleased to invite all interested civil society organizations, citizens and representatives of the private sector to participate in the events that in the period from 16-20. May 2022 marks Open Government Partnership (OGP) Week.
As part of a global action aimed at promoting the openness of administration and improving governance through cooperation between the administration and citizens, this year’s celebration of OGP Week in the Republic of Serbia will include several events, the schedule of which can be found below:
• Open meeting of the Special Interministerial Working Group for the implementation of the participation of the Republic of Serbia in the Open Government Partnership initiative to interested civil society organizations that apply through this invitation, in order to consider the implementation of the current Action Plan for the period 2020-2022.