As part of last week’s working visit to the City of Niš, representatives of the National Information Society Agency of the Government of the Republic of Korea (NIA) met with representatives of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government in order to consider additional proposals and measures related to the reconstruction of the building in Niš, where the second IAC in the Republic of Serbia will be opened.
At the meeting, the course of reconstruction of the building at Dobrinjska Street 11 in Belgrade was presented, where the first Serbian-Korean Information Access Center (SKIP center) was opened less than five years ago. NIA officials expressed their satisfaction with the condition of the space and equipment of the center, as well as its work and management, especially emphasizing that the SKIP center in Belgrade will serve as a model for creating a center in Nis.
- I am very pleased that I have the opportunity to see on the spot everything that I had heard before about the results of the work of the SKIP center managed by the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government. It is quite certain that we will try to ensure that the quality of the design of the SKIP center in Niš does not deviate from the Belgrade center, which has gained a great reputation within the world network of information and access centers – said Unjong Ji, executive director of the Department for global cooperation in the field of ICT of the Korean National Information Society Agency.
On the second day of the visit, NIA officials met with representatives of the city administration of Niš, and on that occasion they visited the location where the SKIP center will be opened, another multifunctional facility intended to strengthen the capacities of our citizens in the area of digitization.
As a reminder, within the Global Forum of World ICT Leaders on November 5, 2021 in Seoul, a Memorandum of Understanding and Joint Cooperation in the field of ICT was signed between MPALSG and NIA, which established the legal basis for the extension of cooperation, renewal of IT equipment of the SKIP center in Belgrade and the opening of another SKIP center in Nis. On December 21, 2021, the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Serbia and the City of Niš signed a Cooperation Agreement defining mutual relations, rights and obligations in connection with the establishment and functioning of the Serbian-Korean Information Access Center in the City of Niš.
It is planned that the official opening of the SKIP center in the City of Niš will be at the end of this year.