In the SKIP centre’s rooms for the first time tomorrow, the 29th of September, the free QA (Quality Assurance) workshop will be held for all the interested ladies, i.e. quality control of the software products training. In the cooperation with SKIP centre, ITgirls portal and HelloWorld are organising QA workshop. Quality Control is one of the main elements for developing top-quality software products. This system doesn’t only check the software, but also its components and characteristics. The position of the QA Manual Tester all around the world is very requested, and proficient QA testers are well-exspected and well-paid. Lecturers Dragana and Mima are sisters who practice programming since early teenage years. After graduating from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, they tried gameplay programming. They decided on this job because their love for video games and their aspiration to make them one day. Today Mima works as a full stack developer and Dragana as Business Relationship Manager. Course attendants will have a chance to get to know the main processes, tools and skills crucial for the quality assurance position and will qualify for the further self-learning, work and improvement.