Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government Branko Ruzic talked at the premises of the Serbian-Korean Information Access Center with Georgian Minister of Justice Thea Tsulukiani about the further development and improvement of the “one stop shot” model in public administration whose foundations were laid two years ago in Tbilisi. The two ministries signed a Cooperation Agreement in the field of Public Administration Reform, which mostly refers to the improvement of services and more efficient work of the entire public administration through the establishment of a one stop shop, but also to the partnership within the area of public administration. For several years now, Georgia has been successfully applying the institute of a “one stop shop” as a model for faster business administration. These are “public service centers” where citizens complete all the work they have with the administration in a short period of time at one place, that is, at one counter communicating with only one public servant. Last year, the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government financed the establishment of a one stop shop system in eight different municipalities in Serbia with 52 million RSD. More one stop shops in local self-government units will be announced soon. As a result of successful cooperation between Serbia and Georgia, Minister Branko Ruzic and Minister Thea Tsulukiani solemnly opened a one stop shop in the municipality of Lazarevac yesterday, and the opening was supported by the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government with 8.65 million RSD. Lazarevac thus became the first municipality in Serbia to implement the “one stop shop ” project, which means that the people of Lazarevac will no longer have to visit eight different counters in four institutions, they will finish all administration related business in one place.