On the occasion of the announcement of the international initiative “Hour of Code”, which was launched at the global level with the aim of promoting programming among the youngest population, today in the SKIP center of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government “In the encounter of Hour of code” was the first in a series of free coding workshops intended for children from the first to the fourth grade of primary schools.
At today’s workshop, students had the opportunity to learn programming skills with the help of the new Genibot robot, created by Jackie Lee from the Republic of Korea. Also, at the workshop, through interesting tasks, they got to know the different possibilities that this robot has: from applying the movement algorithm, repeating actions, and adding sound and light effects, as well as composing music. In the second part of the program, elementary school students were presented with an online platform for learning coding for free, established as part of the “Hour of Code” event.
Today’s free workshop at the SKIP center was organized in cooperation with MENSA and the citizens’ association UčenIQ.
The workshop is also the announcement of a series of free workshops that will be held in the last week of December, in cooperation with the Serbian-Korean Information Access Center, by the organization “Code that idea”, which recently became one of the international partners for Serbia in the organization “Hour of Code”.`