The big annual Wikipedia Editors’ Conference “Wikilive 2019” opened this weekend at the Serbia-Korea Information and Access Center of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government. Several hundred experienced editors and administrators from these areas, as well as beginners and admirers of the largest online encyclopedia, gathered in Belgrade to exchange knowledge and experience and promote the spread of free knowledge. The Wikilive 2019 program will talk about current events on Wikipedia, copyright and the most important wiki projects. In the solemn part of the program, the editors will be awarded prizes for the results achieved at the competitions, and the most significant annual award “Branislav Jovanovic” will be presented to the editor who, through his work, has contributed especially to the development of the encyclopedia in Serbia, as well as to the entire Wikimedia movement for free knowledge dissemination. As part of the program, high school teachers and university professors will talk about the use of Wikipedia in teaching, senior citizens will show how they handle encyclopedia searches, and beginners will be able to attend a free public lesson on editing articles. A number of hands-on workshops are planned, and several important interactive presentations will be presented to the participants.