20/12/2018 Вести 0

Today the Serbian-Korean Information and Access Center celebrated its anniversary! The Minister Branko Ružić pointed out that the SKIP Center was proclaimed the most successful centre amongst other centres of its kind, which thanks to the donations of the Republic of Korea, function throughout the planet. “In a year, we have achieved goals and exceeded many expectations. In this centre, more than 13,000 citizens and public administration employees trained their IT skills, and more than 500 different IT training was organized in which officials learned how to work on important projects of national importance – emphasized Ružić, adding that these were projects such as “address register”, “digitization of cultural heritage”, “eBebe” service for enrollment of children in the maternity ward and “eZUP” for reduction of the paperwork”. He announced that the next step would be the project “Smart cities” in which the Korean government will invest 200,000 euros, which will help the city administration to improve its work with modern technologies and ensure the future sustainable and quality life of the inhabitants. Center’s head Dara Gravara Stojanović thanked the partners from the Republic of Korea for the support in the functioning of the centre. She highlighted significant results achieved by the Serbian-Korean IT Center in the previous period, and she also announced new projects. – Intensive negotiations are in progress, and we hope that soon we will open another IT centre in Niš – said Gravara. Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Serbia Hyoung Chan Choe said that the Center is a symbol of cooperation between the two countries. He announced that the country would continue to support Serbia’s efforts in establishing eGovernment. Among the many high-ranking officials from the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Belgrade, the celebration of the anniversary was attended by the Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, Goran Vesić, as well as the State Secretaries of the Ministry of Public Administration Bojan Stević and Zoran Kasalović.