A two-day CAF (Common Assessment Framework – CAF) workshop started today at the Serbian-Korean Information Access Center within the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government. The workshop is about improving the efficiency, effectiveness, economic and social responsibility of institutions in the public sphere. The Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government is the first in the Republic of Serbia to work on the implementation of European tools in order to enable the establishment of a unique dissemination center and implementation of CAF in Serbia in the future. The participants in this workshop are representatives of MPALSG, and today and tomorrow they will work on the development of the action plan and the improvement of tools for quality of work assessment. More than 50 countries, including all member countries of the EU, use the CAF as a general framework for quality management in public administration, which is a precondition for members to withdraw resources from EU structural funds. The introduction of the Common Assessment Framework in Public Administration in the Republic of Serbia and the mentoring for the implementation of the first six-month pilot project is carried out with the help of partners of the Ministry- Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA),regional CAF center and Center for Public Administration Research (KDZ), as well as with Austrian CAF Center.