Within the framework of the project “Natural disaster risk management – a comprehensive early warning system” which is carried out by the Public Investment Management Office of the Republic of Serbia with the support of the World bank and with donations of Switzerland, in the Serbian-Korean Information-Access center within the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, trainings for Local authority administrators are organized so they can learn how to use this application. It is a new digital platform – DRIS (Disaster Risk Information System) – an emergency management system, which contains all the relevant data in digital form that exist in ” Disaster risk assessment ” and ” Protection and rescue plans “. The data platform can be accessed from different levels so that the Local authorities, State administration, especially the Emergency Management Sector, can have insight into the current situation, and be able to update the data if needed. The Information System will allow a more effective response to risks and accident, through the use of accurate and relevant data exchange.