As part of the visit to the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, the delegation of the National Information Society Agency of the Government of the Republic of Korea (NIA) visited a location in the City of Niš where, in accordance with the signed Memorandum of Understanding and joint cooperation in the field of information- of communication technologies between MPALSG and NIA, by the end of the year, another Serbian-Korean information access center will be opened in Serbia. During the tour of the proposed location, it was particularly emphasized that NIA architects will contribute to the creation of an architectural solution for the operation of SKIP in the City of Niš.
On the second day of the official visit to Serbia, the delegation of the Republic of Korea met in the SKIP center in Belgrade with the representatives of MPALSG. At the meeting, the previous work of the center, the performance of implemented IT programs and training, and planned initiatives and future steps in this area were discussed. Representatives of the Korean National Information Society Agency expressed great satisfaction with the progress and overall functioning of the center, and it was especially emphasized that the SKIP center was rightly declared the best in the world.
We would like to remind you that the Serbian-Korean Information Access Center, within MPALSG, was awarded the prestigious Golden Plaque in 2021 as the best information and access center in the world (Best IAC Award) in competition with more than sixty similar centers whose work is supported by the Republic of Korea, and which operate in as many countries around the world.