According to the latest “e-Government Benchmark Report” for 2021, which assesses the performance of providing electronic services to citizens and businesses in 36 European countries, the Republic of Serbia recorded progress in three of the four areas of assessment (focusing of electronic services on users, transparency and key prerequisites for the development of e-government).
In the report “e-Government Benchmark Report 2021” (the report is available via the link https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/library/egovernment-benchmark-2021) it is stated that the pandemic of the COVID-19 virus caused great turbulence in all countries around the world, but it also accelerated changes, encouraged digital development and stimulated governments to innovate and improve electronic services. According to the mentioned report, the Republic of Serbia is one of the countries that managed to speed up digital efforts by developing new online services for users.
According to the overall score, this year’s leaders in the field of e-government on the Old Continent are Malta (96%), Estonia (92%), Germany and Finland (85%). The report states that digital transformation remains the focus of all EU countries.
As a reminder, since 2012, the European Commission has been evaluating and monitoring the use of information and communication technologies by public administration bodies in EU member states through the e-Government Benchmark methodology, and this methodology also includes the following countries: Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Great Britain, Albania, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. For the purposes of creating a detailed report on progress in the field of electronic administration during August and September last year, 7,872 internet presentations of public administration bodies were reviewed, tested and evaluated, while participants answered 48 questions within eight key life events.