More than 10.000 citizens and government officials attended more than 400 free workshops at the Serbia-Korea Information Access Center, announced the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government. “I am very pleased that this centre for training government officials and citizens accomplished its purpose in such a short period of time”, said the minister Branko Ružić. He added that the significant number of government officials got the needed knowledge and skills at this newly equipped centre, for the realisation of the digitalisation project and public administration service improvement – Electronic Service Baby, Welcome to the World (Bebo, dobrodošla na svet), e-ZUP IT system implementation, e-Textbooks, e-school records (e-Dnevnik), Address Register. Apart from the administration service government officials, SKIP Center was, during these nine months, also opened for the citizens who had a chance to attend free workshops in the field of new technologies, which is essential for the modernisation of the society. At the Center, besides the IT workshops for the computer programming and the QA quality control of the software products training, web and computer programming, a free summer school of programming was held in June, attended by more than 700 citizens, thanks to the “Korea Volunteers” project. SKIP Center, which started operating on the 16th of January thanks to the donation of the Government of the Republic of Korea, runs as a part of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government. “SKIP Centre serves as an example of how good international relations could materialise, and what makes me especially happy is the fact that now exists a huge interest of the workshop organisers and citizens for the future workshops”, said the minister Branko Ružić.